Help & FAQs for owners

Add-Ons User Guide

By default, there are two Add-Ons set up for a Baby's Cot and a High Chair.

1. Add extras by selecting 'Create a new extra'.

You can enter a name (e.g. cot, highchair, etc.) and a description.

2. 'Quantity' allows you to specify the minimum and maximum amounts of the extra that is available, for example, a maximum of 2 travel cots.

3. The extras can be charged as a specific amount, for example, £20 extra for a highchair. You can also choose to charge an extra as a percentage of either the base amount (standard rate) or the total amount (after any discounts or additional extras).

4. You can then select whether the extra is per booking (e.g. £20 extra for a highchair for the entire booking), per day (e.g. £5 extra for a daily cleaning service, for each day of the booking) or per extra person (e.g. £10 extra for each additional person, charged for each night of the booking).

5. You also have the option to apply the extra to specific dates.

6. If you require an 'Additional Person' charge (see Property Settings section) you should enter the maximum number of additional guests. If you would like to charge for an additional guest this is optional otherwise just leave the price at £0.

NB: Please note the 'Additional Person' extra cost MUST be set to price per 'Additional Person per Night' in the drop-down menu (rather than per day or per booking).

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